
B/. 24.99
Nuevo sellado.QUICK FIRE TOP BUTTONS Two additional top buttons represent functional design for intuitive control. They let you execute commands rapidly and responsively by barely moving your finger and without needing to think twice.FLUID AIMO ILLUMINATION The AIMO illumination ecosystem takes your setup to another level by adding organic light. It synergizes with other AIMO-compatible devices to create a vivid state-of-the-art aesthetic without the need for extensive configuration.ILLUMINATED TITAN WHEEL The robust Titan wheel is two-directional and built to withstand fast and intense gaming. It also features a lighting zone that you configure to your personal style.ROCCAT SWARM Swarm functions as a unified driver suite for all of your games and ROCCAT devices.
Vendedor: Importadora Xpress
Plataforma de Videojuego: Other

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